Elite Performers and Professional Athletes
Elite performers and professional athletes have made it to the pinnacle of their professions. I would like to keep them at that pinnacle with a mental training program and the use of applied sports psychology methodologies. I have the theoretical comprehension and proficiency in the use of mental skills training in the areas of visualization, imagery and arousal regulation as areas of prime focus. In addition, motivation of participating in the sport, self-confidence and concentration are topics to be addressed. Special attention will be given to the thorough indulgence of the sport specific psychological factors essential for optimal sport performance to aid in suitable intervention assistance, assessment and planning. I realize that the improved performance for the elite performer/professional athlete is paramount to achieving success in their field.
VRC will assist Elite Performers with:
Focus and the Mental Game
Using Energy Positively in Crisis and Adverse Moments
Coping Skills/Stress
Retirement Talk
Attentional Control
Peak Performance
Building Consistent Effective Habits
Building Self Efficacy
Identify Self Talk